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Railways Cafe

Railways Cafe opened officially on the 7th of February 2013 but was established in 2011..  We are a privately owned and independently operated cafe and restaurant, located in the heart of Irene (corner Pioneer & Main road).  Railways Cafe is the anchor social entrepreneur that sustain the Makers Village in Irene.
Makers Foundation is a NPO (Non-Profitable Organisation) that focuses on community development. Providing a platform for “side walk” artists to gain access to Storage of product, raw materials and basic machinery to create their product. The Makers Village is a sustainable venture that continue to provide a market place for creative entrepreneurs.
The menu at Railways Cafe is home-style related as all meals are FRESHLY prepared with a “local is lekker” concept, keeping all the fresh vegetables, meats and poultry within a 80km radius when purchased. Trainee’s are rotated to expose them to different sorts of environment and thus providing them the opportunity to experience different lifestyle’s and possibly open their eyes to a passion that was never recognized by the sub-conscious mind-set.

**We serve fresh food, Not fast food**
With initiative, personality and style, they provide professional and consistent service with genuine .All of our staff have a thorough knowledge of, and genuine interest in our product.   It aims to provide a memorable experience for each and every person no matter the background, and to leave our patrons wanting more. Our patrons are encouraged to interact with the client; making them feel at home and welcoming every new client into the Railways Cafe Family tree.
Railways Cafe strives to help empower members of our team as this makes one feel that they have an important role in the community development project.

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